Zambia and South Africa2 weeks in Novemer & December 2009We were invited for a wedding in S.A.(Phinda) so we thought about tocombine it with Zambia. On our firsttrip to South Africa we were for onenight on the Zambian side of theZambezi-River and found that thepeople were amzingly friendly andnice. We were told that the country isgernally worth a visit so we decidedto go to Zambia - and didnt regret it.Later in S.A. we became fans of&Beyond who run a couple of greatlodges across the continent. In 2010we booked through them a tripthrough Namibia.. amazing!!!Zambia (South Luangwa National Park) andSouth Africa (Phinda National Park)Kampamba - CampBilungwe - CampMfwue - CampPhinda National Park