Safaga, Egypt - May 2003Hotel: Hotel MenavilleDiving centre: MenadiveDuration: 7 daysExperience: Advanced Open Water Certificate, Dives 50 - 61Assessement: HotelSetisfactory in %RemarksOverall impression60Room50Meals50Atmosphere of restaurant5070% actually, but -20% re lot's of noise/ entertainmentService at restaurant60Ratio of price/ performance70Resort50Pool60Cleanliness/ hygiene70Beach70DivingVariety of diving spots85Quality of diving spots60Quality of boat65Service on board40Meals on board40Service at diving cenre70Quality of diving cenre70Ratio of price/ performance70Equipment70Briefings/ Safety85in case of a baro trauma quick help availableLocationAccessibility85Nightlife20annoying entertainmentShopping facilities20Other activities 70A sad chapter:The Salem Express - Sunk 1993There is a lot of speculation about the sinking of the Salem Express. We don't want to participate on that how this happend. However it is a fact that the roll-on-roll-of fary hit the reef, deforming the front and after pulling back the front door was wide open for the water. Rapidly the ship got list and sunk with almost everbody being still on board. The rescue boats are still there - at the bottom - approx at a depth of 32m. Some hundreds had to die and not all of them were pulled out of the wrack later. Now the Salem Express has been declared as grave officially.A scary place which we visted with great respect.